Last week we wrote about a laundry that had their energy bill increased by €600.000. In that article we mentioned practical ways to save money. We already mentioned adjustments to the dryer before, but one adjustment deserves special adjustment.
Wet laundry goes back in the dryer
Regular dryers with standard software often cannot dry the linen in the set time. What happens consequently? Right, the wet laundry goes back in the dryer. As a result, the dryer uses an excessive amount of gas, which in turn leads to too much hot air blowing in nature. Also, with the increasing scarcity of energy, this results in (extremely) high energy bills to heat up the dryer again.
With Smart Control for Dryers, the operators themselves set the right drying time for the linen: no longer than the batch is dry and no shorter! This means that no surplus gas ends up in the environment. And when the time is set correctly, the dryer doesn’t need to heat up more than necessary.

Infrared and Humidity sensor
There are two ways to not dry more than necessary. One way is the infrared sensor.
An infrared sensor is installed on an infrared dryer. This sensor ensures a shorter drying time, during which dries the linen actually dries. In fact, an infrared dryer can save 40% time compared to a regular dryer. This way, the linen is not dried longer than necessary; thus, no more residue ends up in the environment and lower energy costs (this also saves the quality and lifespan of the linen).
Dryers can also be fitted with a moisture or humidity sensor. In this case, the machine stops drying when a certain percentage of humidity is reached. Dependent on the program, this percentage varies. A humidity sensor can be advantageous when dealing with delicate materials, such as wool.
We know that in the laundry industry there are proponents of both. That’s why you can choose both in Smart Control for Dryers.

Want free advice on saving energy?
These are just some simple ways to save energy in a energy mad world. Do you also have a dryer that you want to make more efficient? No worries about the brand/manufacturer, just get intouch, and we’ll be happy to tell you more. Or feel free to visit our website to learn more about our Smart Laundry products.
Learn more about Smart Control for Dryers