by Vartex | May 21, 2020 | Laundry Intelligence Dashboard, Nieuws
The Dutch National Institute for Public Health advises the laundry and linen services to clean at 80°C for at least 10 minutes during the COVID-19 crisis. Or when cleaning at 70°C, one should run the program for at least 25... by Vartex | Mar 13, 2020 | Laundry Intelligence Dashboard
Many industries depend on laundries to clean their dirty linen. That’s pretty straightforward. But what is less obvious is whether the batch of laundry is cleaned properly. In certain sectors, such as the food industry, laundries need to verify whether they have... by Vartex | Jan 10, 2020 | Laundry Intelligence Dashboard, Smart Control
We are excited about 2020. It’s the start of a new decade where we will continue where left off: maximizing the capabilities of the Smart Laundry. So, what are we planning for 2020? Well, the answer is simple: keep innovating and keep making laundries smarter,... by Vartex | Dec 3, 2019 | Laundry Intelligence Dashboard, Smart Control
Samen worden we ons steeds meer bewust van het belang van ecologisch reinigen. Onlangs heeft een groot Nederlands onderzoeksinstituut, TKT, onderzoek gedaan naar de vermindering van het energieverbruik in open-end machines. We zijn verheugd dat het instituut een... by Vartex | Oct 8, 2019 | Laundry Intelligence Dashboard, Nieuws
The cleaning industry was shocked by a study published in the Applied and Environmental Microbiology journal. It turns out that in the period between 2012-2013 in a German hospital 13 newborns and one child were infected with Klebsiella oxytoca, a... by Vartex | Mar 14, 2019 | Laundry Intelligence Dashboard
Make Accounting a Breeze with Laundry Intelligence Don’t worry, you don’t have to guess anymore. With Laundry Intelligence you can accurately determine your relevant expenses. The only thing you need is the price of your gas, water, electricity and...